NCC - Health and Wellbeing

16th November

Nottinghamshire County Council’s Local Communities Fund


Voluntary and community groups helping to improve the health and wellbeing of residents are able to apply for the latest round of financial support from Nottinghamshire County Council’s Local Communities Fund. This includes two types of cost-of-living grants aimed at groups who are:


  1. Helping those who are struggling to buy nutritious food to help improve health and well-being and build resilience. Groups can apply for up to £5,000.
  2. In need of a contribution towards their own rising energy bills to help keep their welcoming and warm centres and halls open across the county, particularly during the winter months. Once again, groups can apply for up to £5,000.
  3. Groups can also apply for up to £20,000 in capital grants to help towards improvements to facilities that help improve health, wellbeing, and the environment such as improvements to sports facilities, play areas or green spaces.


Revenue grants are also available to help projects with their day-to-day running costs such as paying wages and bills. Groups can apply for up to £5,000, to help access to community-based services for those most in need or for schemes which benefit the environment.


The deadline for applications is 24 November. For further details of eligibility criteria as well as how to apply go to:



Nottinghamshire Baby Week – 14th – 20th November 2023


On behalf of the Best Start Partnership, Nottinghamshire has joined eight other areas across the Country to celebrate Baby Week this year, from Tuesday 14th to Monday 20th November.


Baby week is an annual celebration of all things ‘baby’, aiming to bring sectors and services together to promote giving every child the Best Start in Life. During ‘Baby Week’ organisations host a variety of events and activities for families and the maternity and early years workforce, aiming to raise awareness of local support.


There are various free or low-cost events happening across Nottinghamshire during the week, aimed mostly at those who are pregnant or with children 0-5 years and some for professionals. Many of the bespoke events are being delivered by Childrens Centres and Libraries are promoting their rattle, rhyme and roll sessions.


The week ends with a big baby week celebration event happening at Kirkby Leisure Centre, Ashfield on Monday 20th November from 10am to 2pm. It is free to attend and during the event there will be:


  • Taster sessions of baby massage, tummy time, baby PEEP, rattle, rhyme and roll and pre- and post-natal exercise
  • Stalls from over 20 local services with professionals on hand to answer questions e.g. around childcare, finances, health and wellbeing, volunteering opportunities etc.
  • The Bookstart Bear
  • Opportunities for parents and carers to shape the local Start for Life offer.


For more information on Baby Week and the events happening please visit: Nottinghamshire – Baby Week UK



Nottinghamshire Best Start for Life Consultation


Practitioners that have involvement with any Nottinghamshire services from pregnancy up until a baby is two years old (e.g. maternity services, Healthy Families Team, Children Centre Services, CVS sector etc.) are being asked for their views through the Start for Life offer consultation.


Local authorities have a responsibility to publish their Start for Life offer (an online and hard copy) which should include the services available locally for families from conception to the age of two.


Feedback is being sought to ensure the offer is developed and enhanced to reflect the needs of Nottinghamshire professionals, as well as families, to ensure it will be useful resource for all.


Start For Life Offer Initial Consultation (Professionals) - Nottinghamshire County Council - Citizen Space. Closes 24 Nov 2023.



Family Hubs Consultation – Have your say


People are being asked for their views on plans to change the future use of Nottinghamshire’s children’s centre buildings to Family Hubs. These hubs would provide a variety of help and support to families across Nottinghamshire.


Family Hubs will provide joined up services to help families support their children from conception through to late adolescence.


To help shape future proposals, the council is seeking views from anyone with an interest in services for children and families in the county to take part in a public consultation which runs until Sunday, 3 December 2023. All of the feedback will be gathered and considered before recommendations are put to Cabinet next spring.


To take part in the consultation please visit: