NHS - Big Conversation Events September

30th August

NHS Foundation


Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust faces a significant challenge to rapidly improve the quality of our services to provide the standards of care deserved by our patients. We have arranged two Big Conversation events on 3rd and 14th September for service users, carers and families and local community and voluntary organisations to help shape plans to improve the Trust’s mental health and community services. Details can be found here.

The events will be a chance to hear from Chief Executive, Ifti Majid, who is keen to share more with you about the plans we have, and to talk about how you can shape these plans and how we can build ongoing and meaning involvement with service users, carers, and local organisations.   

If you are a someone who has used mental health or community health services or are a carer/family member of someone who has or are from a local community or voluntary organisation you are welcome to join us at these events. Details can be found here. We would also be grateful if you could fill in the survey here to tell us what matters to you about Nottinghamshire Healthcare’s services. If you are from a local community or voluntary organisation, please share these details with those who you work with.

We would like experiences and views of service users, carers, families, and local voluntary and community organisations to help inform the development of our ambitious ‘Big Improvement Plan’, or simply ‘Our BIG plan’, that we set out in response to the special review carried out by the CQC into our mental health services, earlier in the year. This plan includes all the actions we must take as part of the special review as well as other ideas to make services better for our patients in the long term. The final section of the three-part review was published on 13th August, which focused on the care of Valdo Calocane. Our thoughts are with all those whose lives changed irreparably after the attacks. We are committed to addressing all the issues the review raises.

If you want to find out more or want to check any details, please contact the Involvement, Experience and Volunteering team by emailing us: involvement@notts.nhs.nhs.uk or calling 0800 052 1415.