Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity - Community Grants Programme

8th September


Nottingham Festival of Science and Curiosity has today launched its pilot Community Grants Programme. Applications are now open to Nottinghamshire-shire based organisations to receive up to £500 for a project/event to take place during the February 2024 Festival. The programme aims to support new partners, diversify the festival's audiences and increase co-production in the festival programme. The grants have a particular focus on reaching children & families who are of Black/Black British heritage, children who are disabled and children & families who live in areas that are remote or areas of disadvantage. The festival has put together what should be a straightforward application process and are more than happy to discuss ideas with organisations interested in applying. Organisations don't need to have any experience in science to apply, they're looking to work with organisations that can help us reach new audiences.


Click here for more information

Click here for the Application information and Form Links