Nottinghamshire Carers Hub / Newsletter July 2023

 23rd June

Information from other Service Providers


Community Transformation


What does good look like for Specialist Community Support – Have your say 


Local community transformation leads would like to understand the current experiences and feedback of people with lived experience, carers, and professionals,

with regards to accessing specialist community support, in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.  


Your feedback will help shape how specialist community health, social and voluntary sector support is provided to the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire population.  


If you are a citizen or carer in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire and would like to share your thoughts click here or please use your smartphone to scan the QR code below:  






Free Family Wellbeing Event – Positively Empowered Kits Festival

Saturday 1st July 2023 10.00am – 4.00pm


Join us on Saturday July 1st at Nottingham Racecourse for a FREE fun filled day with lots of activities to participate in, such as a climbing wall, multi sports, street art, healthy eating, forest schools, interactive demonstrations, face painting and specialists such as CAMHS, to equip you and your children with tips, tools and techniques to use at home to be proactive with their mental health. Our festival is aimed at 5-11yr olds, however, there will be activities and specialists suitable for both younger and older children.


Our popular Superhero Cape Walk returns this year, with plans to make it even more exciting (alas no zip wires to make a flight path for our cape wearers!). Families are welcome to come in superhero costumes (we had some fabulous homemade one’s last year!)  or make a FREE cape at the festival.


Entry to our festival is FREE!  Just click on this link to register your tickets




Independent Age:


Energy Bill Support Vouchers 


Do you have any unused Energy Bill Support vouchers? Make sure you use them by 30 June.
 The Energy Bills Support Scheme gave a £400 grant to households to help pay for energy bills last winter 2022/23. If you have a pre-payment meter, you may have received the £400 discount in the form of vouchers. Make sure you use these vouchers before they expire on 30 June.   
You need to take your vouchers to a top-up point, such as a local PayPoint store, or a Post Office, so they can be credited onto your meter.   
The deadline to redeem these vouchers is 30 June 2023. Don’t miss out.
You can find more information about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, as well as other support with energy costs, on our webpage, Managing your energy bills | Independent Age

Good to Know Groups

We wanted to let you know about our Good to Know Groups – free informative telephone groups for anyone over the age of 65.

Our current programme of monthly events would welcome new people to join!

These events offer social and learning opportunities to people who may not be online or who may struggle to get out and about. They also connect people with their peers and partner organisation, to hear and talk about issues that matter to them. 

Good to Know groups take place most weeks and last around an hour. We invite a different guest speaker each week to discuss issues of interest. Topics include scams, the cost of living crisis, finding new social connections - things that are simply 'Good to Know' about.

Since our Good to Know Groups launched, we’ve had guest speakers from Mind, Cruse, The Sleep Charity, Ability Net and others. To find out more, visit our web page Good to Know Groups | Independent Age, which is updated monthly with information about our upcoming events and times.

Think of these groups like a cup of tea and a chat at a community centre, but over the phone in the comfort of your living room. 


Carers UK Survey


The Carers UK survey for 2023 has now gone live – click on the link to give your views




Harmless’ Parents & Carers Self Harm Support Group


If you support somebody who self harms under the age of 25 in Nottinghamshire, we are providing a safe space for you to share, speak with others with similar experiences, and have

1-to-1 and group emotional support.

To find out more, contact or call 0115 880 0280.




Making Your Money Stretch


Free courses at Beeston library aimed at helping people with the Cost of Living and improving numeracy skills for anyone aged 19 years + without a Level 2 qualification in maths,

see attached flyer for full details.