Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner - Victims Survey - your views about future support

25th January 2022


Dear colleague,

 As you know, one of the key priorities in my new Police and Crime Plan is Supporting Victims.  To help ensure that victims in Nottinghamshire have the very best support, I have recently awarded a contract to TONIC, specialists in public consultation, to find out what victims of crime and anti-social behaviour need and want from services. 

I have opened a survey for victims and the people supporting them to tell us what they think about current and future services.  The survey takes around 10 minutes to complete and is anonymous.  It is open from today until Friday 18 February and can be accessed here: . Anyone who is affected by the survey can access support from Notts Victim CARE Home Page (

TONIC is also conducting telephone and online interviews with victims and stakeholders to explore issues around victim needs in more detail.  To sign up for an interview, email or text ‘NOTTS’ to 07786 202 835 and an interview will be arranged at a convenient time.

TONIC will analyse all responses from the survey and interviews and present the findings to us.  The findings will help us commission the right future services for Nottinghamshire. 

I hope you will be able to participate in the survey or an interview.  Please do pass this email onto any victims of crime you support or others who may be interested.

Thank you for your help.


With kind regards,


Caroline Henry

Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner