Nottinghamshire SEND Parent Carer Survey 2022

4th February



Nottinghamshire County Council and its partners across Education, Health and Social care would like to hear about your lived experiences as parents/carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) of SEND services and provision in Nottinghamshire.

The survey link can be found here:

The Nottinghamshire SEND Accountability Board leads on the co-ordination of services for children and young people with SEND. The views gathered in this survey will be presented to the Board to inform decisions about future services and provision. The survey will be carried out again in 2024. 

The survey is available from the 24 January 2022 – 28 February 2022 and will take around 20-25 minutes to complete depending on how many services your child/young person’s access.

For a chance of winning either a 1x£50 Amazon voucher or one of 5x£20 amazon vouchers please complete the survey by the 28 February 2022 and you will be entered into our prize draw! A winner will be picked at random and contacted by email or telephone before the 15 March 2022 to confirm their prize. To enter, you will need to provide either an email address or telephone number so that we can contact you about the prize if you are successful. All personal details will be destroyed after the prize winners have been contacted.