OPEN - Our Personal Experience Network

14th October

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At the Mental Health Foundation, we are working to achieve our vision of good mental health for all. To do this, we need to work with a wide range of people from across the UK who can help us.  

In 2021, we launched OPEN as a community for people who want to make good mental health for all a reality in the UK. We now have more than 3,700 adults in our OPEN community who work with us, contributing their views and offering insights into personal experiences of mental health. 

We firmly believe that we all have mental health so OPEN is open (pun fully intended 😊) to absolutely everyone (18+). You don’t need have a mental health ‘problem’ to be a member; we know there is as much to learn from good experiences of mental health as from bad.  

Our OPEN community is an integral part of our work at the Mental Health Foundation. Our members have joined us to train as peer researchers, spoken at parliamentary events, contributed their views through conversations with us, and reviewed resources we develop. They’ve even helped us win awards, such as the Plain English Heroes award last year for making our communications with the public crystal clear and easy to read.  


Click here for more information