Pension Credit

18th September


The penny that means pounds


Pension Credit is a means-tested top-up benefit, so entitlement is affected by your savings and weekly income, but lots of people who think they are not entitled are surprised find that they can get help.


Although savings affect entitlement, the first £10,000 of any savings don’t count, and even if you have more than that you may still qualify.


If you own your own home, you can still claim.


And you may be entitled to extra Pension Credit if:


  • you are responsible for children or young people
  • you are disabled (and getting a benefit such as PIP or Attendance Allowance)
  • you are a carer for someone who is disabled
  • you are both disabled and a carer

If you qualify for even a small amount of Pension Credit, it could be ‘the penny that means pounds’, because Pension Credit opens the door to lots of other help:


  • access to the Winter Fuel Payment
  • reductions in electricity bills
  • free TV licence for those over 75
  • help with housing costs through Housing Benefit
  • entitlement to the highest level of Council Tax Reduction

Get help to make a claim for Pension Credit right away – and remember to act before 21st December this year to gain a Winter Fuel Allowance.


Government information and how to claim -