The Queen's Platinum Jubilee 2022 - What funding is available?

9th February

queens jubilee


More than £22 million of National Lottery funding is being made available to help communities across the country celebrate the Platinum Jubilee:

  • The National Lottery Community Fund’s Platinum Jubilee Fund will provide grants of up to £50,000 to 70 impactful community projects across the UK. In addition, grants of up to £10,000 from The National Lottery Awards For All programme will be available for community-led events throughout 2022.
  • Arts Council England’s Let’s Create Jubilee Fund will support voluntary and community organisations in England to develop creative and cultural activities as part of Platinum Jubilee celebrations with grants of up to £10,000.
  • The Arts Council has also announced £175,000 to help libraries celebrate. The funding will be distributed by n Libraries Connected, and will provide £1,000 for each library service
  • Throughout the year community organisations will also be able to apply for grants from the Arts Council’s National Lottery Project Grants programme, which has been refreshed with new guidance to better support a broader range of ambitious cultural projects.

Click here for more information