Resident Led Activity: The Essentials of Community Organising Workshop

8th April


Communities, where residents feel empowered to design and deliver social opportunities and social action are better connected and stronger.

Learn the techniques to inspire resident-led community activity and explore how you can help people to help themselves?

This short 3-hour online workshop explores techniques and approaches employed by Community Friendly Nottinghamshire to ignite passion in residents, enabling them to take action on the things they care about most within their community.  This workshop is good for those who are new to engagement or even as a refresher as the Covid restrictions are easing.

This workshop is taking place on 26th April 2022, virtually via MS Teams.

>>Find out more and register online here

Why should you attend?

This workshop will help you understand how ideas can be developed using the Community Organising Framework and start to look at the processes involved to connect and empower residents to formulate a plan to turn their ideas into action.

This training is also useful for anyone already involved with supporting neighbours and residents through the pandemic and as we emerge from it.