Rhubarb Farm - Donation of £500 from the Bolsover Elderly Self-Help Group

27th January 2022


mavis   cheque

Rhubarb Farm is very touched to have received a donation of £500 from the Bolsover Elderly Self-Help Group.  The reason for this donation, however, is a sad one, in that the Group, after 47 years, has decided to close because of lack of members and high costs of transport to bring members to the Group.  The Group chose Rhubarb Farm as beneficiary, to keep money in the local community, and because we support older people.

Mavis Holmes, who has been running the Group for many years, presented the cheque to staff and volunteers at Rhubarb Farm. 

Thank you Mavis and all those concerned - Rhubarb Farm is expanding our work with older people, and this money will be a boost for that focus, because we know how important it is for people, especially living alone or with mobility problems, to have social contact and support in the community.