Richard McHugh, In Sam’s Name, to carry the Baton of Hope

16th June

Baton of Hope with logo


Richard McHugh, co-founder of In Sam’s Name, is proud to announce that he will be carrying the Baton of Hope in Sheffield from The Leadmill at 14.45pm on 28th June.

To carry the baton from The Leadmill is a fitting tribute to Sam and the many hours he spent in the legendary venue and the mental health Talking and Peer Support group formed as part of his legacy, In Sam's Name.

Richard will also walk the 22 miles from Sam's hometown of Worksop to The Leadmill in Sheffield.

The monies raised will continue to grow In Sam's Name helping people that are going through challenging times with their own mental health.

Please join us in wishing the best of luck to Richard for his walk, and please donate to his Go Fund Me if you are able to.


Go Fund Me Link -


What is The Baton of Hope..?

#BatonOfHopeUK is designed to be the biggest suicide awareness and prevention initiative the UK has ever seen, opening up necessary conversations and prompting appropriate actions.

The specially designed baton will tour UK towns and cities for two weeks in Summer 2023, raising the profile of this issue like never before.

Together we can reduce the stigma, and get better at asking questions, listening, and directing people to the right help.

Together we can save lives.