Save our Wild Isle Community Fund

9th August



The Save Our Wild Isles Community Fund is live - and Groundwork is here to help make your application a success.  

Aviva, in partnership with WWF and the RSPB, is giving £1 million to support community groups across the UK to protect and restore nature in their local area. We all have the power to make a real difference and help bring nature back to life. That’s why WWF, the RSPB and Aviva have come together to launch the Save Our Wild Isles Community Fund to make it easier for communities to take action for nature. 
From creating community gardens and replanting wildflower meadows, to protecting local wildlife and promoting community connection to nature – together we can help communities around the UK bring nature back to life and make our isles wilder. 

The Save our Wild Isles Community Fund has teamed up with Groundwork to help applicants in England, Wales and Northern Ireland throughout the lifetime of their project.  Whether you’re looking for support with your application, peer-to-peer training, or the opportunity to meet likeminded people in your area – we can help! 


                       07771 566893                                                                07850 503203