Seasons Changing: The Impact on Surplus Produce

13th September



In recent months, we’ve enjoyed an abundance of fruits and vegetables, both in quantity and variety. However, as summer draws to a close and colder nights begin to set in, UK crop yields are slowing, and summer vegetables are coming to an end.


Although with the changing seasons we expected a drop in produce availability in late September, the recent unsettled weather has meant we’re seeing lower produce volumes already. As a result, we anticipate levels of available surplus produce to be reduced until mid-November.


During this period, we will receive seasonal vegetables such as swedes, squashes, pumpkins, celeriac, carrots, and potatoes but other varieties will likely become more limited.


To support our Community Food Members through this transition, we have implemented several measures:


  • Increased Fruit Supply: Apple season will soon be upon us, and we are working diligently to source more fruit, so you may see a greater volume of fruits until winter produce becomes available.


  • Enhanced Frozen & Catering Packs: We are increasing our supply of frozen and catering-sized vegetable packs to supplement the produce supply in an alternative way.


  • Non-Food Items: We have also built up an inventory of non-food items, including toiletries, household goods, and pet food, which we understand might be useful for some of our CFMs.


If you haven’t yet started receiving frozen or catering-sized packs or haven’t previously expressed interest in non-food items but could benefit from them, please reach out to us. We continue to work hard to meet your needs as effectively as possible with available surplus foods, and we hope this update helps you prepare accordingly.