Share your experiences in the State of Caring survey

16th June


We want to hear your experiences of being a carer in 2023.  

We’re launching our State of Caring 2023 survey to help us paint a comprehensive picture of what life is like for carers at the moment.

The State of Caring survey helps us to understand carers’ needs and the challenges they face. With a General Election in Westminster on the horizon, knowing the issues carers face in 2023 couldn’t come at a more important time, so please make sure you tell us your priorities. Last year we were able to use carers’ responses to:

  • Win landmark new rights for two million employees to take up to five days’ unpaid Carer’s Leave.  
  • Seek improvements to carers’ benefits through our newly established Carer Poverty Coalition  
  • Press for carers to be included in cost of living payments, with vital evidence of carers’ financial struggles
  • Show the impact of the backlog in the NHS and make sure carers are not forgotten in NHS and care reforms
  • Respond to government consultations on a range of issues affecting carers.

But we’re not stopping there and know we need to do more and push further


Click here for the survey