Social Enterprise Exchange Grants

7th June

Social Enterprise Exchange


As part of the Social Enterprise Exchange programme, South Yorkshire’s Community Foundation is managing a small grants scheme to support start-up and existing social enterprises.

Grants of £1000 to £1,500 are available to start-up and early stage social enterprises. Grants of up to £5,000 are available to social enterprises that have been trading for at least 12 months.

Applicants to the Social Enterprise Exchange grants scheme must first register with Social Enterprise Exchange at and, if eligible, will be assigned to one of our enterprise advisors who can provide additional guidance on grant applications.

A new round of the scheme opens on 25 May 2022 and will close 18 July 2022.

There are two strands to the grants scheme:

Accelerate grants for start-ups
Start-up grants from £1,000 to £1,500 for new social enterprises registered in the last 12 months.

Transform grants for existing social enterprises
Grants for growth from £1,000 to £5,000 for existing social enterprises registered for at least 12 months.
(please note: Transform grants requests in excess of £1,500 require a match funding contribution by the applicant – download the grant guidelines below for more information)


Click here for more information