Social Recovery Fund Re-opening

4th February 



You will be aware of the COVID Partnership Social Recovery Fund that the County Council  set up to help address some of the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the people of Nottinghamshire and how £1m of  funding  was distributed to community groups and organisations in the last few months of2021.

Due to the success of this fund, NCC Communities Committee have approved a further £500k to be made available to groups and organisations who were not able to apply last year or who have identified new needs within their community that could be addressed through this fund.


The initiative should:

  • Have a clear purpose
  • Demonstrate that they are addressing a need that has been a result of, or exacerbated by, the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Detail what measures will be used to learn and improve
  • Have the support of relevant partners, including District / Borough colleagues (including contact details)
  • Address one or more of the following needs:
    1. Dementia / frail / living alone
    2. Domestic abuse victims
    3. Residents who are digitally excluded
    4. Residents from minority ethnic groups
    5. Residents experiencing financial difficulties
    6. Younger people
    7. Residents experiencing loneliness and isolation
    8. Residents with less complex mental health needs
    9. Residents experiencing homelessness

Please use the following link to apply for funding   COVID-19 Partnership: Social Recovery Fund