18th October
Health protection advocates
Dear Colleagues,
Please find attached and links below regarding cold weather resources available. Please share with networks and colleagues for information.
Thank you
General guidance
- Keeping warm and well: staying safe in cold weather - Keeping warm and well: staying safe in cold weather - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
- Top tips for keeping warm and well this winter - Top tips for keeping warm (publishing.service.gov.uk)
- Met Office – Are you Weather ready? - WeatherReady_poster (metoffice.gov.uk)
Area-specific guidance
- Supporting vulnerable people before and during cold weather: for adult social care managers
- Supporting vulnerable people before and during cold weather: people homeless and sleeping rough
- Looking after children and those in early years settings before and during cold weather: teachers and other educational professionals
- Supporting vulnerable people before and during cold weather: healthcare professionals
Cold weather and Health summary action cards
- commissioners
- voluntary and community sector
- care homes and other residential settings
- services delivering care to people in their homes
- hospitals and other healthcare settings
The Cold-Health Alerting system runs from 1 November to 31 March. Register to receive the Weather Health Alerts via email.
- Met Office guidance on how to get your home and property winter ready and keeping your home warm this winter
- GOV.UK page on help for households
- Age UK’s website or call 0800 169 6565 and quote ‘WINTER’
- NHS England information on how to stay well in winter