Unlocking New Possibilities Careers Event - July 11th, 2024

15th May

Derbyshire County council


Register your Interest for the Unlocking New Possibilities Careers Event - July 11th, 2024

Unlocking New Possibilities is an open-to-all Careers Event that aims to foster diversity and inclusion within the workforce by connecting talented individuals from black and minority ethnic (BME) communities across Chesterfield and Derbyshire with employers committed to promoting diversity in their organisations.

Following on from the success of the Unlocking New Possibilities Careers Event in 2023, you are invited to participate in a repeat of the event to be held this year on Thursday July 11th between 11am-2pm at Chesterfield College, organised in partnership with the Derbyshire BME Forum.

With this in mind and with the knowledge that Derbyshire is home to over 50,000 residents from BME communities, our partnership is hosting a unique careers fair that taps into this diverse talent pool. We wish to attract employers from a range of sectors as well as training providers and organisations providing advice and support.

You will have the opportunity to meet candidates face to face, understand what a truly inclusive workforce is and gain meaningful insights into the interests of our local BME communities. It will also be an excellent chance for you as an organisation to explain the guidance and support you are able to provide for members of BME communities in employment and to showcase your vacancies.

As well as being a fantastic opportunity to capitalise on the talents which BME communities/individuals can bring, you will be able to raise awareness of your current vacancies, training opportunities or highlight the services you can offer, there will be workshops, speakers, refreshments, and a chance to network too.

There will be access to the venue from 10am onwards to allow you time to arrive and set up before the doors open to the public at 11am.

So, if you want to supercharge your recruitment process this year and be part of this inclusive recruitment process here in Derbyshire, confirm your interest in attending by completing the attached registration form by Friday 7th June 2024.