Vaccinations as a Condition of Deployment (VOCD) – URGENT

27th January 2022


Does your organisation have any involvement in face to face delivery of support or services within a CQC registered setting such as PCNs or working with NHS patients as part of any health funded service referral pathway? 

If so, please note the latest phase 2 guidance that has been published – the current deadline remains 3 Feb to ensure staff and volunteers in scope are fully compliant.   VCOD guidance has been published and can be found here  -   There is also an FAQ document available here –

BCVS and national VCSE infrastructure bodies are seeking clarification regarding standards of evidence required and will share details as soon as confirmed.   We understand some organisations are asking for copies of the NHS COVID pass.    As per guidance any data captured must be stored securely in line with other sensitive data requirements.    Meanwhile if you haven’t yet discussed this with your staff or volunteers please ensure you consider the guidance and whether you are in scope to enable your organisation to take action if required.