VCSE Barometer Survey

7th February


The VCSE Barometer Survey builds insight into real-time trends, changes and challenges in the UK voluntary, community and social enterprise sector.

Findings are shared every quarter with national policy and decision-makers, local infrastructure organisations and the VCSE sector.

The fifth Barometer survey is open NOW and closes on 7 February 2024.

Your voice is important!

Pie chart illustration made up of people

  • The Barometer survey is a quick ‘temperature check’ of what’s happening in the VCSE sector right now
  • It takes 15-20 minutes to complete – less time if you’ve participated before
  • It has 4 sections:
    • Information about your organisation or group,
    • Your experiences in the last three months and your expectations for the coming three,
    • A topical theme,

Local questions – tailored to a specific area (under development).


Click here for the survey