Virtual/online Adult MHFA course dates

28th February

Derbyshire County council


Places are available on the Adult Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Derbyshire County Council March and April virtual/online courses below


Virtual/online Adult MHFA course dates


The deadline for booking onto the following course is 6 March 2024:



The deadline for booking onto the following course is 19 March 2024:



For further information as to Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training including a description of our Adult, Youth and Refresher courses please visit the County ‘Mental health first aid training’ webpage on Derbyshire County Council’s website. On this webpage you will also find details of current course dates and new dates when released in the future.


Details and a description of other mental health training courses we offer can be found on our Mental health training webpage and its sub-pages on the Derbyshire County Council website.