Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Alliance

4th August


All system partners working to support Nottingham and Nottinghamshire residents are committed to consistently listening to, and collectively acting on, the experience and aspirations of local people and communities through the Integrated Care Board and Integrated Care Partnership.

The Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector have strong links with groups and communities, including those who are underserved and experiencing the greatest health inequalities. These strong links will facilitate the generation of citizen intelligence which may not be possible through other methods.

Nottingham and Nottinghamshire have a rich and diverse Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector, and working as equal partners with this sector is an integral part of the ICB’s approach to listening to our communities. It is also important that the sector is involved in system-level discussions around governance structures and system workforce, population health management and service redesign work, leadership and organisational development plans.


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