Webinar: Social Prescribing in the Arts, Culture and Heritage

18th February


On Wednesday, March 9th, 1.30 – 3pm, in this regional webinar we'll be joined by National Academy for Social Prescribing (NASP) partners from the Arts Council and Historic England to talk about the role of their organisations in health and wellbeing/social prescribing, funding for the voluntary and community sector, and the importance and impact of arts, culture and heritage in the social prescribing landscape. They’ll be sharing some of the great things happening now in our region and beyond, and what can be achieved for the benefit of service users/patients. National Lottery Heritage Fund’s senior engagement manager for the North will also be talking about their fund, what they look for and the types of projects they support.

 We’re also delighted that Sunderland Culture, Heeley Development Trust and York Archaeology on Prescription will be with us to showcase their work in social prescribing. Hear how they developed their social prescribing programmes, how they operate, the challenges they have faced and the difference it has made to their beneficiaries.

If you work in the voluntary and community sector in the North East, North Cumbria or Yorkshire, are keen to develop your understanding of social prescribing in this area and gain insight, advice - and hopefully some inspiration! - do join us for the free regional webinar. You can register here.