World Suicide Prevention Day 2022

9th August


10th September is Suicide Prevention Day and this year we want to share the message that suicide prevention is everyone’s business - and that there is training available to help support you.

This year we’re asking community groups, clubs and organisations to help us create videos to share information around suicide prevention, offer help and make suicide prevention everyone’s business across Derbyshire.

We’re asking clubs, groups and people to film themselves reading the attached short script and then share it on social media to coincide with Suicide Prevention Day.

However you choose to do this will be great although we would love a group of people in your organisation to all say the final message together. If you need support in filming or editing your video, please contact

These videos can then be shared across your social media platforms. Please use #WSPDDerbyshire when posting and copy in @DCCPublicHealth so that we can see and share them!

Any questions or for a copy of the script if unavailable please email:

We can’t wait to see what amazing videos are made. If you would like to take part in the Zero Suicide Alliance training the link can be found here:

Previous example video can be found here:


See below for the script