Project Linus Volunteers

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Hosted by: Project Linus UK (Derbyshire North)
Opportunity Description: It is the mission of Project Linus UK to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children from 0 -19 who are sick, disabled, disadvantaged or distressed by donating gifts of new, homemade washable quilts lovingly made by volunteer quilters across North Derbyshire.
Type of Activity:
Areas of Interest: Arts & Crafts
Skills: Creative, Practical
Who we are looking for: Volunteers make quilts which are donated across North Derbyshire and Sheffield.
Sew For Linus Days are held every 2/3 months at Bonsall School (£10). As the coordinator I give talks about PLUK.
Quilt kits and instructions can be supplied to new volunteers.
Donations of new cotton fabric/gift vouchers for fabric companies/ funds always welcome.
In 2023 we donated 329 quilts.
Suitable for:
Practical considerations:
Recruitment method: