Adult Skills Fund Consultation - SAVE THE DATE and next steps

7th August

On 1 August 2025, the East Midlands Combined County Authority (EMCCA) will take control of the Adult Skills Fund (formerly Adult Education Budget).

This devolution will empower EMCCA with greater freedoms to develop and set priorities and flexibilities, creating a more responsive skills system tailored to the needs of residents, businesses, and our region’s economy.

Over the next year, EMCCA will, in commissioning adult training and skills, be taking the opportunity to innovate and collaborate with various delivery partners, organisations, and stakeholders to ensure the devolved ASF better meets the skills needs of communities, businesses, and residents in the East Midlands for the future.

Stakeholder engagement and consultation is a very important stage in the journey towards devolution. We aim to:

  • Communicate the changes that are planned in a clear and accessible way so that stakeholders understand what is going to happen and how it will impact on them.
  • Set out EMCCA’s strategic skills and operational plans which will underpin the devolution process.
  • Set out timescales, milestones and key actions which will take place prior to and in the initial stages of devolution.
  • Offer a range of ways in which stakeholders can engage with the process, give their views, and feedback and ask questions about the process.
  • Take into consideration the views and feedback of stakeholders and use them to inform future plans.
  • Build and maintain effective relationships with key delivery partners and stakeholders to ensure a smooth transition and offer a firm grounding for the changes ahead.

In September 2024, we are hosting a range of events and activities where you can share your thoughts and ideas.

In person events: 

  • Thursday 12 September (AM) – Colleges and local authority learning organisations.
  • Thursday 12 September (PM) – Independent learning organisations.
  • Wednesday 18 September (AM) – Non learning organisation stakeholders.

For those unable to attend an in-person event, there will be an event hosted on Thursday 19 September (PM) through Microsoft Teams.

More detail on locations, times and how to book onto these events coming soon.


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