Ageism Action Day Micro-grants (from £75 up to £500)

22nd December


It’s time to invite our communities and networks to start thinking about exciting ideas to mark the Ageism Action Day on March 20th 2024, led by Centre for Ageing Better (

The theme for the day is ‘see and be seen’, which is all about improving representation of ageing and older people.


Please find attached the slides from the Centre for Ageing Better information session, as well as the Information Document for the Micro-grants and the application form.


Below are a couple of ideas for what our community groups and projects could do, only for inspiration. It could be about:


  • Showcasing photos, poetry or art of, or by, different age groups, like through a competition or exhibition on a related theme such as celebrating ageing.
  • Having conversations about internalised ageism, and how someone might be limiting their options as they get older without realising it, at a coffee morning or pub quiz for instance.
  • Telling people’s stories of ageing, the experiences someone has gained over the years or the contributions they’ve made to society. This could look like hosting local awards which recognise older and younger volunteers, or a video showing the work of older activities.
  • Physically bringing different ages groups together to take action, like at an intergenerational “reclaim the streets” evening walk or a skills-sharing workshop.
  • Targeting an activity which would not usually include older people or an older age group, like a walking football takeover of a local football stadium, or an over 50s nightclub event.


The sorts of things the funding may cover are (not exhaustive list):

  • Facilitators
  • Professionals’ time, like artists or instructors
  • Volunteer expenses
  • Room hire
  • Equipment (where it is used as part of the event)
  • Printing
  • Refreshments


The deadline for applications is January 10th 2024.  


If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to email