Derby and Derbyshire CCG - Next Derbyshire Dialogue - 29th June 2022

30th May 2022


Next Derbyshire Dialogue – 29 June 2022 2.00pm

The next Derbyshire Dialogue is around the End of Life Strategy.

In 2019 Joined Up Care Derbyshire (JUCD) agreed an End of Life (EoL) strategy to meet the care needs of those thought to be in the last stage of life, enabling them to live as well as possible until they die. It was recognised that there is currently a wide variation in the services available for EoL across the county and that a review of services was needed to ensure that NHS England standards for EoL care are met and most importantly to provide the care that people tell us they need to die comfortably in the setting of their choice and with dignity.

Our vision is to structure end of life services in a way that provides care and support tailored to the individual needs of patients and their family members and/or carers during this time of life.

In order to achieve this outcome, we are looking to create a process that refers patients to a Single Point of Access (SPA) for the full range of End of Life care and support services. It is important that local people's voices are heard so that we can develop a SPA that reflects their needs and aspirations. We will talk to you about some work that has already been done with patients, carers and stakeholders and how we plan to build on this to ensure everybody gets the chance to be heard.

- Dr Pauline Love - End Of Life Clinical Lead
-  Sue Higginson - Patient Experience Manager


To book onto the session please click here