Derby and Derbyshire Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (Faith) Survey - Autumn 2023 (Winter 2024)

10th January



You are invited to complete the following Derby and Derbyshire VCSE(F) Survey which has been developed by Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) and Derbyshire County Council to explore the needs of the voluntary sector and the current support on offer.


The target audience for this survey is the VCSE(F) (aka voluntary sector) across Derby and Derbyshire. This covers a wide range of organisations and groups from small self-help groups with no paid staff to large charities. You could be a paid staff member or volunteer or a trustee. 


We also recognise that not all the questions are relevant to all respondents.  None of the questions are mandatory and questions that do not seem relevant can be skipped.


Your views will be shared as part of a final report and will help to inform the next steps when considering a way forward for the commissioning of infrastructure functions.


You can read more about the intentions of the survey and the background information in the attached briefing document.


The recommended way to complete this survey is via the following link: