DSD Network News: Refurbished Devices with PCrefurb, Vacancy at RAD, and FREE Cyber Awareness, Avoiding Fraud & Scams Training

29th May


1. PCrefurb – Reburbished Devices for your project in Derbyshire

We have some great news for you about the initial pilot with PCrefurb to provide donated refurbished devices to Network members. This successful pilot has now been extended until March 2025!

As members of the Digital Support Derbyshire Network, if you deliver digital support and your project needs refurbished devices, you can apply to PCrefurb to assess your device needs. As part of this offer there will be a limited amount of laptops, tablets, all-in-one desktops and small desktops, all of which are subject to availability. Applications will be assessed, processed, and prepared on a case-by-case basis. The scheme can assist groups to obtain devices to help them offer digital support but could also include a project making a referral for an individual.

If your project doesn’t have a broadband connection, please let us know as there will also be limited access to Wifi Hotspots and Vodafone data sims.


Device for a group: Organisations must be a member of the Digital Support Derbyshire Network and a charity, or a group supporting people in need.

Device for an individual: Only by referral from a member of the network. The person must have limited access to technology and be on a low income/have a disability.  If you are applying on behalf of a client who requires further support (in addition to the support your project provides), please contact DSD first (s.tock@ruralactionderbyshire.org.uk) and we will discuss it with you.

How to Apply:

You can apply immediately using this link on the PCrefurb website (follow the dedicated DSD section – where the logo is): https://pcrefurb.org.uk/application-for-equipment/

Feedback from the earlier pilot:

Danny Henman, Director of Operations at the RAY club in Chesterfield:  

‘This equipment provided by PCrefurb has madea massive improvement on our day to day running of the Charity. It has given us the opportunity to enable our users to get connected online. So many people who come to our hub, don't haveaccess to this equipment at home and have become socially isolatedas technology has evolvedand increasedin price! This donation will enable people in this position to use our hub to access this equipment and improve digital social isolation. THANKYOU so so much. We are extremely grateful.' 

Tony Hedley, Holme Hall Unite Community Group:  

“A big Thank You again for your help in sourcing the computers - as you can see all set-up and ready to go! We held a birthdaycelebration at The Hub yesterday for a 90 year old lady - and 2 of the guests asked if we could help them get a little computer savvy, so I think it'sgoing to prove very popular.  Please pass on our thanks to PC Refurb for their help too.” 

A person and person holding computers

Description automatically generated   A group of computers on a desk

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This pilot wouldn’t be able to go ahead without the donated tech that has already been received by PCrefurb. If you know of organisations that might have a number of devices to donate in bulk, please share this link for further information:  https://pcrefurb.org.uk/refurbishing-and-recycling/


2. Job Opportunity at Rural Action Derbyshire

We currently have a vacancy for a part-time Project Lead to work with Rural Action Derbyshire on our Digital Inclusion and Scams Awareness projects, working with senior managers to deliver two separate, but linked projects. Please follow this link for more information: https://www.ruralactionderbyshire.org.uk/join-our-team.  The closing date is the 6th June.


3. Free Cyber Awareness, Avoiding Fraud & Scams Training from Derbyshire Police and Rural Action Derbyshire

This is for anyone in Derbyshire who uses email and the internet (you don’t need to be a member of the network). It is a non-tech session, easy to follow, with guidance on how to protect yourself from fraud, and protect your online accounts.

Derbyshire Police Cyber Crime Unit and Rural Action Derbyshire are running a free webinar on Tuesday 9th July 2024, 10.30-11.30am to warn the public of cybercrime, fraud and scams - and advise on how you can protect yourself and your accounts online.

The session will cover :

  • Device safety/protection
  • Password guidance and account security
  • Protecting your personal information
  • Using social media safely
  • Social Engineering and phishing emails/texts
  • Telephone and Letterbox Scams
  • Romance Fraud
  • Online shopping & Online banking safely
  • Where to report
  • Signposting to further sources of support and resources

To reserve your place, please follow this link to register Cyber Awareness. Avoiding Fraud & Scams. You will see a confirmation on screen, and Derbyshire Police Cyber Crime Unit will then send you a link to join on the morning of the 9th July.