Grant reminder and important information!

20th December 2021


I want to make sure you are all aware of the following small grants, which are still live, if your group has not yet applied for them. Please let me know if you would like a chat about your project or application before you apply;

Derbyshire Voluntary Action Health and Wellbeing Grants | Derbyshire Voluntary Action ( for up to £1,500

COVID-19 Community Response Fund - Derbyshire County Council for up to £2000

Also, suggested Agenda Items * so far, for the next  Bolsover Community Voices Forum meeting are:

  1. Invite Dave Clarkson of Investors In Community to talk about the free support groups can access once a date has been finalised.

This Clay Cross based organisation has a ‘platform’  which is an “effective way of connecting organisations, individuals, charities, and community groups to show that by working together across the five ways of giving, powerful and evidenced social impact can be created”

  1. Discuss the following 2 points in groups –
    • In what ways could we as VCSE organisations most effectively collaborate and support each other?
    • In what ways can we enable Forum meetings to achieve this?

*       Is there anything YOU would like to discuss, to add to the agenda? Please let me know!

    -    If you don’t have them already, I can send you the minutes and action points from the last meeting, which are being worked through.

Given the strange times we are living in, it seems sensible to fix our next  Forum as once more to be on-line, with a discussion to aim for a possible in-person meet up (maybe outside) at the next proposed gathering in say, May.  Please let me know by using the link - which day is best for you? And scroll down, to a doodle poll so I can fix a date in February to suit the majority.


As I haven’t yet had the chance to put this information in the newsletter (so its one for next week) do have a look and see if you would like to use this funding platform to find grants for your group, as it is FREE until the end of March 2022.  Brevio is a grants matching platform  Basically you register and they notify you about grants which match your criteria which you could apply to. You save matches to your “dashboard”.

They work with a variety of grant makers/ philanthropists/ Corporates/ foundations/ local authorities/ major Trusts …  and are constantly being updated with new funders.

They send you alerts about new potential sources of funding.  You will need to be as precise and thorough as possible when entering information and selecting your categories.

Although this does sounds similar to other grant finding platforms, it’s worth a look, especially as it is free for a few months.


In case you have missed this important survey which was in our newsletter – please do take time to complete the State of the Sector Survey through the link below to help us know how to support you best. You are in for a chance to win £100 if you do! Don’t be put off where it says Notts Together – the survey is also for groups in Bolsover and was drawn up by another CVS in Nottinghamshire. Please also forward this email to other groups you may be aware of so that we can get as many responses as possible.



! chance to win £100 !



I wish you a Happy and peaceful Christmas, and hope you find some joy!


Best wishes

Lucy Curtis

VCSE Development Officer

Mobile: 07923 256972
