An invitation from The Museum of the Horse

An Invitation!

To celebrate Story Telling Week the museums of Tuxford are organising a competition for three age groups.

10 and under, 11-16 and adults, to write a story. Subject can be humorous, historical or take the form of an interview on a topical subject. Please do join in.

Awards will be announced and on show in both museums where,

on January 27th at 2pm there will be a Mining Ghost Story

and on Sunday Feb.4th in The Museum of the Horse, there will be an illustrated talk on Horses in War, followed by a guided tour of this nine room collection.

Both afternoons are free, although of course donations are always welcome!

Story entries are free and should be sent to The Museum of the Horse, Market Place,

Tuxford NG22 0LA or emailed to by January 20th.

Places for talks are limited by space so please let us know if you would like to come.