Joined Up Care Derbyshire - update

8th December 2021

join up care derbyshire


National Grief Awareness Week 2021 | 2 – 8 December 2021 - When we think of grief we normally think of the death of someone we loved. However, there are over 40 different personal losses that can leave us feeling devastated, heartbroken, lost, hopeless and ultimately cause the same emotional and physical symptoms of grief. In a COVID world we are all dealing with loss. Loss of security, loss of safety, loss of work, loss of income to name a few. The people working for the NHS are no different. As part of Grief Awareness week Leni Robson will be running sessions to help us support those who are suffering from loss.


Friday 3 and Tuesday 7 December at 12.30pm How to support grieving friends at Christmas. This will include things like Do's and Dont's of Christmas cards and how to support someone through the Christmas period.


Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 December at 1pm Helping Colleagues with Grief and Loss in the Workplace.


These courses will take place on via MS Teams. If you would like to attend then please let Leni know on and she will send the link.  

More information on National Grief Awareness week is here: National Grief Awareness Week


Mental Health Services for Older People consultation - Today we have launched a consultation on Mental Health Services for Older People. This consultation is asking local people to share their views on proposals to relocate two services for older people with mental health conditions to new facilities in the county. The proposal is that services move from Pleasley Ward at the Hartington Unit in Chesterfield, to Walton Hospital in Chesterfield and Ward 1 at London Road Community Hospital Derby to Tissington House at Kingsway Hospital in Derby. Information can be found on which includes a link to an online survey and other ways to feedback. We felt it was important for you to be aware of this work and we would be grateful if you could support us by sharing this information. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions 


Carers Services in DerbyBelow is a presentation outlining services available for Carer’s in Derby.


What do you need to live your best life in Derbyshire? please see a poster Below about a piece of work commissioned by Derbyshire County Council to find out  what’s most important for people in Derbyshire to live their best lives.


Joined Up Care Derbyshire Key Messagesplease find Below the key messages from the November Joined Up Care Derbyshire Board.