Misterton & West Stockwith village news

16th January



Wednesday 16 January 2025

Contact: 01427 891376



Misterton residents who say their waste bin wasn’t emptied bin will have their claim checked with a new in-cab technology that will design and manage rounds, automate workflows, and reduce administration across the Council’s waste, recycling, and street cleansing services. The technology will be used to capture evidence of missed, contaminated, and overloaded bins to help improve recycling rates, alongside being able to notify residents of service issues. It can also be used to move work across crews in the event of a breakdown, or if a crew is running behind, to make sure collections are being completed in a timely manner.


Further improvements are planned as the District Council moves towards the deadlines for Simpler Recycling: kerbside glass collections by April 2026, and weekly kerbside food waste collections by October 2027.



Bassetlaw Action Centre (BAC) is continuing to provide:


  • community transport for essential journeys – health appointments and shopping, for example
  • housing advice services, which are telephone-based primarily but face-to-face appointments are also available
  • a menu of Befriending services – including group befriending, telephone befriending, face to face and peer befriending
  • the Staying Well Programme (6-week self-management course for people with a long-term condition) available both virtually and face to face 
  • Get Out Get Active (GOGA) service encourages people to become more active and will continue to offer one-to-one support
  • home support service – a domiciliary service to help people who are just starting to struggle at home (this is a paid-for service)
  • minibus trips – including the newly launched lunch club trips.


BAC would like to hear from anyone with a few hours to spare, who would like to volunteer to support the Action Centre to deliver essential services to local older and vulnerable people. In particular, BAC is looking for more local volunteer drivers to help people to get to health appointments and for shopping. Volunteers are paid 45p per mile for every mile they drive on behalf of the scheme.


For further details on any of the above please contact BAC on 01777 709650 or by e-mail (enquiries@actioncentre.org.uk). Further information can be found on the website: www.bassetlawactioncentre.org.uk.






Poppy group, The Misterton Centre & Library, 10.00-11.30am


2nd Tuesday each month

Coffee morning, Church Room, 10.30am. Freshly baked goodies—and friendly faces! £2 plus raffle



Rhyme & Play time for babies and pre-school children, term-time, Misterton Library, 2.30-3.15pm



Coffee Morning, Misterton Methodist Hall, 10.00-11.00am


Mobile community shop, 10.30am – 12 noon, outside the Parish Church


1st Saturday each month

Men’s Breakfast, Haxey Gate Inn, 10.00am. Chance for chaps to get together and talk about anything and everything!


Wednesday 22 January

Service of Morning Prayer, 10.00am, in Church Room, Misterton


Sunday 26 January

Holy Communion, Misterton Parish Church, 11.00am


Thursday 13 February

Quiz in aid of Misterton Bowls Club, Haxey Gate Inn, 7.00 for 7.30pm. Tickets £8 each (includes refreshments); team of 4 maximum. Call 890877 or 890435 to book



Wednesday 16 January 2025

Contact: 01427 891376



Some 114 tenants of Council properties in Misterton will see rents rise in line with the Government’s National Social Rent Policy, which applies to all social housing providers across England. The rise of 2.7% was approved by Cabinet at its meeting on Tuesday 7 January.


The rent increase will help meet demand for services and repairs, a new Decent Homes Standard, and further investment in tenants’ homes. Every penny received from tenants rent helps fund housing services. Last year over £12 was re-invested into work, including major refurbishment at the Council’s Independent Living Schemes in Worksop and Harworth and& Bircotes, the Green Doctors Scheme targeting damp and mould in tenants’ homes, and improving the poorest energy performing properties.


Rents are set to rise from 1 April 2025 with the lowest change in rent being an increase of £1.58 per week for a small property and the highest an increase of £3.41 per week for a larger property. Tenants with any queries regarding rents, or who are experiencing difficulties paying their rent, should telephone the District Council’s Housing Customer Services team on 0800 590 542.



West Stockwith Parish Council met on Thursday 9 January. The following items were discussed:


  • the site of an accident near the junction of Ings Lane and Main Street is to be audited by the road safety team at Notts County Council. Bassetlaw Housing has been informed to consider providing off-street parking for residents of the bungalows
  • a new defibrillator has been fitted at the Village Hall
  • village footpaths are inspected by councillors and a new list of who does what will be drawn up
  • vacancies for councillors will be advertised.



Bassetlaw Action Centre (BAC) is continuing to provide:


  • community transport for essential journeys – health appointments and shopping, for example
  • housing advice services, which are telephone-based primarily but face-to-face appointments are also available
  • a menu of Befriending services – including group befriending, telephone befriending, face to face and peer befriending
  • the Staying Well Programme (6-week self-management course for people with a long-term condition) available both virtually and face to face 
  • Get Out Get Active (GOGA) service encourages people to become more active and will continue to offer one-to-one support
  • home support service – a domiciliary service to help people who are just starting to struggle at home (this is a paid-for service)
  • minibus trips – including the newly-launched lunch club trips.


BAC would like to hear from anyone with a few hours to spare, who would like to volunteer to support the Action Centre to deliver essential services to local older and vulnerable people. In particular, BAC is looking for more local volunteer drivers to help people to get to health appointments and for shopping. Volunteers are paid 45p per mile for every mile they drive on behalf of the scheme.


For further details on any of the above please contact BAC on 01777 709650 or by e-mail (enquiries@actioncentre.org.uk)  Further information can be found on the website: www.bassetlawactioncentre.org.uk.




2nd Tuesday each month

Coffee morning, Church Room, 10.30am. Freshly baked goodies—and friendly faces! £2 plus raffle



Rhyme & Play time for babies and pre-school children, Misterton Library, 2.30-3.15pm



Coffee Morning, Misterton Methodist Hall, 10.00-11.00am


Mobile community shop, 10.30am – 12 noon, outside Misterton Parish Church


1st Saturday each month

Men’s Breakfast, Haxey Gate Inn, 10.00am. Chance for chaps to get together and talk about anything and everything!


Wednesday 22 January

Service of Morning Prayer resumes, 10.00am, in Church Room, Misterton


Sunday 26 January

Holy Communion, Misterton Parish Church, 11.00am