Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS VCSE Alliance Update Andria Birch, BCVS CEO December 2022

Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS VCSE Alliance Update

Andria Birch, BCVS CEO December 2022


VCSE leaders met on 6th December 2022 for the second ICS VCSE Alliance meeting with over 30 CEOs from the sector in attendance. The alliance is expanding well, with BCVS, BAC and CAB CEOs in attendance from Bassetlaw, and with more local members planning to join soon to strengthen the involvement of Bassetlaw within the new Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICS footprint.

A large section of the meeting focussed on the latest version of the draft ICS strategy.  As soon as the latest draft is published BCVS will share via our newsletters.  I fed back on the 22nd November draft that the importance of place and the VCSE sector as equal partners within the system was referenced only briefly and too late into the document.    

The Alliance was assured in the Alliance meeting that references to place and the VCSE have been brought forward and with increased profile within the latest version.

The concept and application of ‘proportionate universalism’ was referenced as a way of tackling health inequalities within the presentation on the strategy.  I queried how rurality would be considered and addressed within this concept and application.   The response was that it is too early to say but it was noted and there will be a discussion about broader definitions of health and wellbeing with reference to rurality in the future.

Colleagues from Notts Counselling Service and Framework raised the issue of funding essential for the VCSE and the risks of not valuing or resourcing the sector fairly when seeking to access or build on the value it provides in the system.  This was noted with support from wider Alliance members.   

Development of an insights/data framework with a request for Alliance members to complete a spreadsheet outlining all data and insight captured by members was discussed.  This was challenged by members who flagged that duplication of insight and data collection already captured is not helpful and that we do this robustly with a range of commissioners and place already.  It therefore risks duplication and wasting resources  It was suggested by members that commissioners be asked what data they already capture.    

In discussions about qualitative feedback and insight I also flagged that this is part of the role and TOR for the VCSE Alliance and therefore seems the appropriate and proportionate way to feed in insight, risks and issues for the sector to make best use of our time.  

I had previously queried how system will be approaching social value measurement and that we have been looking at doing this as a sector in a joined-up way at place.  I was asked to introduce as an agenda item for discussion as we would like to better understand system intentions and social value measurement to avoid risk of multiple tools and systems being used. 

Jules Seblin, NCVS CEO, confirmed that NHS England has appointed RSM UK to develop health outcomes for the framework, but the timeline for this is not known at this stage and it is not known whether it will include SROI or financial proxies.    

The alliance agreed that it will be essential to ensure that the outcomes to this ensure it is VCSE-friendly, building on our insight and experience.

The Recruitment of an Alliance chair was also discussed and a remunerated post is in the final stages of sign off with interviews expected in early 2023.   Jules Seblin has been asked by NHS system colleagues to act as the temporary VCSE representative on the ICP until the Alliance chair is appointed and agreed to feedback key points from the Alliance meeting into the next ICP meeting.

We will continue to keep the sector briefed on system development and encourage more Bassetlaw VCSE leaders to join the Alliance where they have capacity.   

Please see previous article here for VCSE Alliance aims and how to join.