PPI Involvement Opportunity - Knee Osteoarthritis

22nd August


Health Innovation East Midlands (HIEM) is delighted to bring an opportunity for people living with osteoarthritis of the knee, to share your experience of current treatment, and views about possible non-surgical treatments. You can have your say by:


  • Registering to join an online Focus Group taking place on Thursday 17 October 2024 from 10:30am to 12:00pm. During this Focus Group you will have an opportunity to share your experience and views with HIEM staff and other people in a similar situation. We offer people a £25 thank you for taking part.


  • Sharing your views by completing an online survey. It will take about 10 minutes to complete, and we ask that you complete it by Thursday 17 October 2024 please.


  • Or you can request a phone interview by emailing Bethany Askey, HIEM Project Officer at bethany.askey@nottingham.ac.uk or calling 07412 395566 and she will arrange a convenient time to call you.


If you would like more information before taking part please contact Bethany Askey, contact details above.