Save the Date: Voices of Women, Girls and those with a Cervix - Workshop

20th December

Voices of Women, Girls and those with a Cervix: The Future of Health and Wellbeing Services


·       Thursday 25 January 2024 – 2.00pm – 5.00pm - Derbyshire County Council, County Hall, Matlock DE4 3AG

  • Thursday 8 February 2024 - 9.30am – 12.30pm - Derby - VENUE TBC


From puberty, through pregnancy, birth, menopause and beyond, the health needs of women, girls and those with a cervix vary throughout their lives. Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) and partners are working together to support the aims of the Womens Health Strategy to make sure individuals are as healthy as possible and to reduce inequalities.  We want to ensure that social circumstances are not making it difficult to access services.  We want to engage with partners and listen to how we might improve our health and care system, for example:


  • how the individuals they support would like to receive healthcare.
  • the challenges they sometimes face when trying to access healthcare.
  • what would overcome these challenges.


The strategy commits us to boost health outcomes for all women and girls and those with a cervix, but with an emphasis on reducing inequalities and improve how the health and care system engages and listens to the same audience.  To implement this change locally we have the opportunity to redesign how services work to improve outcomes and experience and reduce inequalities​ and provide short term investment in training and engagement. 


The services these engagements could support are those specifically supporting women, girls and those with a cervix including those providing support for:


  • Menstrual problems
  • Menopause
  • Contraception
  • Preconception care
  • Breast pain
  • Pessary fitting
  • Cervical screening
  • Screening for Sexually transmitted infections and HIV


Supporting the life course approach to health as identified in this image.



Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board and Partners are hosting two identical half-day workshops (see dates above) to talk about healthcare for girls, women and those with a cervix. This is to support the local development of Women’s Health Hubs.


Put the dates in your diary and please share with others who can represent the voice of women, girls and those with a cervix in Derby and Derbyshire! 


Invitations with details on how to register at one of the events will be sent out in January 2024.