Trusted Voices – Getting our communities winter strong

Trusted Voices – Getting our communities winter strong
What better way to learn about our communities than from our communities.
Community leaders – we need your input!
In our ongoing efforts to reduce health inequalities across the Bolsover District, we believe that your valuable insights as a community leader can significantly contribute towards our understanding.

Over the next few weeks, we are collaborating with Public Health for the UKHSA Winter Strong campaign to ensure our communities are prepared for winter.
To assist you as community leaders in effectively sharing health information, we would appreciate it if you could briefly share by what you may need to access and distribute this information within your community. We would love your input and feedback.
We appreciate your time is valuable, so we have provided some discussion points that may guide you. Please free to elaborate, as we know that one size doesn't fit all.
Are you aware of health services, screening and vaccinations available to members of your community?
Are there any barriers that you feel prevent members of your community accessing health and wellbeing services?
What works – are there any initiatives or structures in place within your community to help members understand and have access to health and wellbeing support?
In the new year we aim to host an online forum to learn more from the voice of the community.
Your initial feedback will be instrumental in shaping relevant discussions.