The Wise Group Relational Mentoring Service for HEAT is LIVE!!!

7th August



I am delighted to inform you that our relational mentoring service is now live again!  Thank you for all referrals last week they have all been accepted and a mentor shall be allocated this week.


You may use the following referral link to start referring again.  It is as follows:  Octopus Referral Form (


As a reminder, our service is as follows:


HEAT provides mentoring support and advocacy to vulnerable households to ensure no one has to struggle between choosing to heat or eat. Our team of Energy Mentors provide independent, tailored advice to fuel-poor households experiencing energy crises. HEAT will be available to energy customers struggling with fuel bills living in England or Wales. 


We understand that these situations can be difficult and overwhelming for customers, so we take an empathetic and patient approach when working with them. We provide ongoing support throughout the process, helping customers understand their options and make informed decisions. This includes:

           Tackling energy emergencies

           Managing fuel debt and related issues,

           Saving money on fuel bills

           Accessing energy grants and crisis funds

           Optimising energy usage

           Increasing energy efficiencies

           Providing specific energy advice and information.


Key target groups include:

        People aged 65+

        Low-income households

        Out of work households

        Households receiving Universal Credit

        People with disabilities

        Anyone in fuel poverty/struggling with fuel costs and is at risk of disconnecting


The Support that we provide will help customers long term, day to day, month to month saving them a lot of money 💰


The service is fully funded, it is simply a case of you referring anyone that would benefit from the service