Worksop Library Activities

16th August


  • Worksop Fun Palace

Fun Palace is at Worksop Library this year on Saturday 5th October 10am – 3pm. Everything is free and drop in. Local community groups and organisations have stalls with activities throughout the whole library, and lots of people come through the doors – mainly children and families.

Info on past events is at Fun Palaces | Inspire - Culture, Learning, Libraries ( BCVS has kindly promoted Fun Palace for us on social media etc in the past. We’ll have some Fun Palace publicity in the run up to this year’s event if I could send through to your newsletter etc nearer the time? Would BCVS like to run an activity at Fun Palace? Or please could you pass on to any organisations you work with that you think would be interested. We are now confirming who’s attending, space requirements help us with planning everything over the next few weeks.  

We’ll also be advertising the opportunity for people to volunteer to help on the day – to be published later this month on our Community Makers website Inspire Culture (  Micro-volunteering was mentioned at the meeting and I’d be happy to put you/BCVS colleagues in touch with our Volunteer and Membership Officer if that would be helpful