BCVS is the POV project lead and supports wider partner delivery, monitoring and reporting in addition to supporting the young people’s advisory group, production of films and training and activities to share the learning from POV.
At the end of year two, Andria Birch, BCVS CEO said ‘POV has been an incredible success, overachieving on all planned outcomes and outputs and going far beyond contracted targets of 100 new volunteering opportunities by involving 486 young people in volunteering. The positive impact on the lives of the young volunteers has been a privilege to witness and young people have in return affected positive change in the culture and practice of all POV partner organisations.
However our work doesn’t stop with the end of the initial phase of project funding. Key learning and messages will be shared with the wider sector in many ways over the coming months and the voices of young people involved in POV will continue to shape how BCVS and wider partners develop moving forwards. Our huge thanks goes again to all partners and young people who have poured their energy and time into making such a positive difference to the lives of young people and the wider sector.’
As part of next steps, BCVS will be supporting the young people’s voluntary advisory group to expand and take this work forward. It is an exciting opportunity to develop your experience in supportive environment, so if you are 18 to 24 and looking for a new challenge to boost your CV and help your community please get in touch with us at bcvs@bcvs.org.uk or ring 01909 476118.
Please see Impact Page HERE for impact and resources to support next steps