Emma Musgrove, Project Manager at Mansfield CVS. MCVS is based at the Civic Centre, Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield. During my time working on POV I have spent time engaging with young people and hearing their point of view on volunteering, I have engaged well with post 16 organisations and schools. I have also volunteered my own time and become an Enterprise advisor working with local schools to be that critical friend speaking on behalf of the young people and sharing their needs, thoughts, and ideas.
Students at west Notts College have volunteered and completed artwork for an event we held for volunteers and encouraging volunteering. The students are now working on Art pieces for local businesses.
I have attended events within schools to encourage young people to volunteer and ask about the opportunities they would be interested in, receiving vital feedback.
For the future of POV I plan on organising creative work shops and opportunities at summer fairs and events to speak to young people and get them involved in POV, I will also continue my relationship with Wet Notts college and local schools.